Latitude: 54º 46’N Longitude: 04º 22’W [map]

Located on the Machars peninsula in southwest Scotland, Garlieston is a quiet, picturesque coastal village with its own tidal harbour. Garlieston Harbour is the closest port in Scotland to the Isle of Man. We are on the South West Coastal 300 (SWC300).
In earlier times the harbour was a very busy commercial fishing port. Today it is home to a small lobster fleet and there is a public slipway and boat park for leisure sailors and sea anglers.

Garlieston is close to Wigtown — Scotland’s National Book Town, Whithorn — the ‘cradle of Christianity’ in Scotland, and Galloway Forest — the UK’s first Dark Sky Park.

During World War II, the harbour and close by Rigg Bay were selected as the trial site for the D-Day Mulberry Harbours. Artefacts from wartime activity — now monuments of national importance — can be found on the north side of Garlieston Bay, at Rigg Bay, and further down the coast towards the Isle of Whithorn at Portyerrock.
Garlieston is surrounded by many square miles of natural beauty for you to explore. There are coastal walks to historic locations such as Galloway House* and its gardens from the centre of the village. Head south via Rigg Bay (1.5 mi) to the airy heights of Cruggleton Cliffs and you reach Cruggleton Castle, an English garrison at the time of Robert the Bruce. You can continue the walk to the Isle of Whithorn and catch a bus for the return journey.

The quiet roads criss-crossing the surrounding countryside are perfect for exploring by bike. Further afield, the mountain bike trails around Kirroughtree (Newton Stewart), part of the 7 Stanes complex, are gaining international renown.
*Not open to the public.